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Seeing AI: Narrates the world around you, by turning visual things into audible experience

Seeing AI : Application from Microsoft

          Nowadays, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is very much popular topic for research. From these researches, many useful outcomes will be there, which can solve many problems, helpful to the mankind, improve the productivity and the quality of the tasks or the product, etc. Researchers are research on these types of topics for more information and then they use that in their research projects to test that particular idea on machine to get more success in that research.

          Recently Microsoft has launched an application named “Seeing AI” for iPhone users. Seeing AI is like an intelligent camera, it is mainly made for those who are visual impairment, it is like a friend of them. Without help of others also they can get the details of the things and also share that things with others. You will get an unexpected AI experience by using Seeing AI. It is the use of AI, very innovative and useful too in the world.    

           Seeing AI gives you the description what you have targeted on the camera screen. This application can narrate about multiple things all around the world. So, this application has many types of channels like currency, person, scene, etc. You have to just change the channel to describe the thing around you. By this application you can hear the details of the things which is detected by Seeing AI application. To recognize people, barcode image, its details should have saved in the application  

           Seeing AI can detect the object and speak the details of that object. Seeing AI is very useful application in day to day life. It is not detecting only one object.It can detect many things as given below list: 

  • Seeing AI can read text. 
  • Seeing AI can recognize saved person with their description and emotion.
  • Seeing AI can scan the document and recognize its text.
  • Seeing AI can identifies the currency and describes it.
  • Seeing AI can scan the barcode image and speak the product’s name, also you will have the details of this product on the screen with just one click.
  • Seeing AI can recognize the text of image of other apps by including that in Seeing AI.
  • Seeing AI can recognize and describes your image’s background scene also that is great thing. It gives great audible experience of all the things described by Seeing AI.

           You can target on any thing and get the audible details and can also share with others any detected thing by just click on Share button on the screen. 

            To see live demo of Seeing AI application you can see the videos on given below links:



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