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Reliance Jio DTH Service: Set Top Box likely to be launched, with some images of Jio Set Top Box

Reliance Jio Set Top Box Image
Reliance Jio Set Top Box

            Hello guys, as known to all, there are many companies in the market like, Videocon d2h, Airtel Digital, TataSky, Dish TV, Big TV, etc. to provide DTH(Direct-to-home) service for your cable TV channels. So now here a good news for you all, that Reliance Jio will be also in the market to provide this kind of DTH facility.

            You may have heard news about Reliance Jio DTH service in many blog articles recently. But now here’s the evidence that it was right news that Reliance Jio Set Top Box likely to be launched in the market with tough competition to provide DTH service as some photos of Jio Set Top Box are leaked in the market. This service is already started on the base of quality testing, not for actual users (customers), but when it will be in the market it can give free DTH service for around 3 months like Jio 4G internet service for more testing purpose only.

Features Of Reliance Jio Set Top Box:   

            In market, some of the photos are leaked of Reliance Jio DTH Set Top Box, as per that is made in Indonesia. The name of the Set Top Box is “IP (Internet Protocol) TV Based Set Top Box”. Now what does it mean by “IP TV based Set Top Box”. 

  • Actually, IP TV Based means if you have internet connection at your home then you can use that cable and attach it to the set top box and surf the internet on your TV by using set top box, as it has 1 Ethernet port. 
  • Its weight is 755gm. At the front side, USB port is given to attach your pen drive to see the movies of your choice or listen your favorite songs directly from the pen drive on your TV. 
  • At the back side of the Set Top Box you will get a HDMI port, Audio-Video ports, Ethernet port, and one extra USB port also. 
  • This Ethernet port will help you to run the internet like Laptop or Computer. By this you might be able to see live streaming of Hotstar, JioTV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.

Service details and Price:

So, to provide this service to the maximum people, company can try for some good schemes as nowadays, Reliance is known for free and good quality services.

  The price of Jio DTH service is 1800 Rs. And the basic rates of lowest package of this DTH Set Top Box is also most probably 180 Rs/month. Reliance Jio firstly launch 300 channel on this, after that it will be increased. It might have more plans, for custom needs of the users. It might be launched in April 2017 and you can register for the same as per some sources. As soon as Jio goes commercial, you can book for your Reliance Jio DTH Service (Welcome offer) also.

So, if you want to use more services of Reliance Jio, then you can wait for it and of course use it as it will be available in the market.

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