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Use latest self destructing email to improve data security

       Hey guys, you heard about Self-Destructing Messages? Now to improve more security about data you can also do Self Destructed E-Mails also... 
       If you are sending an email that contains sensitive data or information, a new Chrome extension allows you to send email messages that can self-destruct after being read.
        However, G-mail recently announced its ‘Undo Send’ option, which allows users to revoke sent emails within 30 seconds. Dmail, however, lets you preset the duration for how long you want the message to be accessible before it self-destructs. In fact, if you are not sure about a time frame, you can select ‘never’ and revoke the email at any point in the future.You’ll be able to stop recipients from forwarding your message to others, too.

          This service works with Google Chrome Browser extension, which you have to install to use this type of fabulous service.After the installation, you can turn off and on the service of Dmail. When the service is on, you can specify that you have to destruct(delete) the email within an hour, a day, and never also.If you select "never" option then you can go into the sent messages and click "Revoke Email" button to delete that email from that recipients.

You must use these type of services to secure your confidential data within communication.          


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